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The historic Longview Public Library building

Friends of the Longview Library

Friends of the Longview Library logo

Since 1977

What are the Friends?

The Friends of the Longview Library are local volunteers who love books, reading and are especially fond of the Longview Library. It is an organization of volunteers who support the library with their ideas, their skills, their time, and their voices! They raise money for the library with the:​

  • Summer reading programs

  • Story Walks

  • Book Sales

  • Rare & Unusual books on eBay

  • Book Clubs

  • Library Staff Training

  • Maintain the Memory Rose Garden

  • The Longview Room

  • Monster Mash

  • and much more.

Woman reading on the floor of a library with her back against a book shelf

What the Friends Are Up To

On going fundraising activities and programs

Book Donation - Sort

The Friends provide support by sorting book donations each week. All Friends are welcome to volunteer on Thursdays from 10:00am to 12 noon. Coffee & treats  afterwards are always fun and a great way to get to know each other. 


Two women peeking over stacks of book that have been donated
Four book shelves filled with two dollar books for sales

Book Sales

The Friends volunteers receive donated books weekly. The donated books are then organized for  the Book Sales several times throughout the year, including Squirrel Fest.

All proceeds help fund various Library needs and functions. The book sales are among the most popular fund raisers for the library.

Three women pruning roses at the library's rose garden

Friends Book Shelves

We have ongoing book sale shelves located at the lower level  entrance of the library. These quality donated books are available with a donation of $2.00 for hardback or trade books,

and $1.00 for paperback or children's books.

$2.00 books are also available at

Keebler Coffee Roasters 


Monticello Coffee House

Several people shopping at the Library's book sale
A wooden statue of a squirrel holding a nut
Memory Rose Garden

With the support of the Friends of the Library and public donations, and a group of enthusiastic volunteers, the garden is maintained  and replanted to be enjoyed by visitors and patrons of the library. 

Click here for more information about the Rose Garden

Donate to the Rose Garden

Friends of the Longview Library

1600 Louisiana Street, Longview, WA 98632

©2024 by Friends of the Longview Library. Proudly created with

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